
Important: If your PC is producing RunProfiler.exe errors, you should check your Windows operating system immediately!

The file RunProfiler.exe is part of the program PC Doctor for Windows from the manufacturer PC Doctor. Its task: RunProfiler.exe supports the manufacturer with diagnosis of hardware problems.
RunProfiler.exe is normally found in the directory unknown. If the file is located in another folder, you may have selected this path when installing the software. Under certain circumstances, this can also be an indication of a virus.

How to fix RunProfiler.exe errors

If Windows notifies you of RunProfiler.exe errors, the cause may be the result of damaged or corrupted registry entries.
In most cases, it helps to check the Windows registry for RunProfiler.exe errors!

If this does not fix RunProfiler.exe errors, we recommend uninstalling the program using the Control Panel and then running a scan of the Windows registry again.

RunProfiler.exe slows down my PC!

Programs and files can have a strong impact on the performance of a Windows operating system. In some cases, this also includes RunProfiler.exe.
In case of doubt, you should uninstall the program in question.
If RunProfiler.exe is in the Windows startup folder, it can slow down a PC. We recommend that you turn off the automatic startup of this program if you do not need this function.
Our advise: AVG TuneUp disables unnecessary startup programs and Windows applications thereby minimizing the load on your computer. The software also fixes RunProfiler.exe errors!

Is RunProfiler.exe harmful to my computer?

RunProfiler.exe is considered to be trustworthy. If the file is not located in the standard path, this may indicate the presence of a virus. Scan your PC with an up-to-date virus scanner. We recommend using the free antivirus software AVG Anti-Virus Free.

All information about RunProfiler.exe:

The following information about RunProfiler.exe is available.
Product name: PC Doctor for Windows
Process name: Hardware Diagnostic Tools Profiler
manufacturer: PC Doctor
Website manufacturer: unknown
Standard path: unknown
Category: Utility program for PC Doctor for Windows.
Assessment: trustworthy